Paper, paper, paper, paper, pa…

It’s funny, I can sit here and write a blog in 20 minutes, depending on how long it is but struggle to write 4 pages of a paper for school. I am writing my last university paper ever (yay), and I really only have to do the introduction, conclusion and one part in the paper, because Fred has already done the rest. But I cannot bring myself to do it. I really hate writing papers, I don’t know if it is because I have to research and back up everything that I say, or the fact that I know someone is going to be marking my paper and that stresses me out to no end. I cannot be creative; just show the facts. That is boring to me, I have no idea how I survived university at all, writing papers that were so constraining on personality and creativity, it’s suffocating. Right here I have already written more than I have in my paper. I think I’m lacking inspiration, and it is the long week end after all, but still, that should motivate me to get it done faster, so I can enjoy the rest of the weekend.

So wish me luck in finishing this paper, so I can finally say that I am done school, and will hopefully never have to write another boring paper again. That is wishful thinking, as I do think I have to go to college for some medical terminology diploma. Ugh.

Anyhoo, have a good long weekend everyone!

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