Change is good, it’s needed.

Last week I decided it was time to clean out my room, get rid of things that I have out grown and things that I just did not desire anymore. As much as I wanted to throw everything into a garbage bag and start fresh I have this unwanted attachment to these inanimate objects. It is almost as if guilt washes over and the things that people have given me will somehow disappoint them if I no longer have them. I got my mom to help me out with this, if I had her approval to get rid of something I would not feel as guilty getting rid of it. She was picking things up right left and centre, she did not care, even when I told her who I got them from. She replied with a simple “how old where you when you got this? I think that they will understand that you have outgrown it.” That made me feel more comforted. I still need to do an overhaul of throwing out to do but I think I did good for the time being.

In the midst of getting rid of stuff I grabbed one of my old stuffed animals out of my closet and went to put it in the box, my mom leaned over and said, “why don’t you keep that so when I have grandchildren I will have something for them to play with.” At which point I asked her if my brother was expecting a baby that I was unaware of, and she just said to give it five years and I might have a family of my own. I didn’t say much other than that that could be a possibility, but that is a really close time.

I wondered why she didn’t have that hard of a time getting rid of things in my room when I look in other places in the house and she is attached to some of the most ridiculous things. But I think it was because it is not her stuff and she has not become attached to it, that it is easier. I also looked around my yard and house and noticed how different it looks than when I was a child. Trees that I used to climb with my brother are no longer there, the old barn that we used to play in the loft is replaced with a newer better looking one, and much safer. The bathroom is no longer has a pink floral pattern on the walls but a more modern touch. My parent’s room no longer has pink carpeting and wardrobes, but hard wood flooring and proper closets. Our basement is finally finished and I am no longer scared to go down there. A lot has changed but it did not take place all at once. I think that is the secret to change, do it gradually over the years, make it look better, get rid of old things you no long need or use. When you look back you will see a lot of the change but you won’t notice it as a huge shock to your system when you do it in parts. I think that is the biggest lesson my parents have unintentionally taught me. Just by observing them I have learned so much. Do not be afraid to change, do it gradually, do it the way you want it and do it often.

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