Where is the Progress?

Was it not too long ago that we were fighting against segregation? It looks as though things have taken a step back in Toronto where they want to open their first all-gay high school. Does this not seem like a backwards step into the future of equality? Or is it just me? I can see the positives of having a school that is welcoming, open, and willing to teach kids the history of homosexuality but I cannot help but think it would further push them away from the rest of society.

One of the first thoughts that ran through my mind was; when you are picking a high school to go to, you want to go to one that you can blend in with. If you are not out as a person, then your first pick would not be the all-gay high school, it would be that public one down the street from where you live, or where all your friends are going. Then if there are sports teams, and they are playing against other schools could you imagine the ridicule that that school would get from less tolerant people? They would be an easy target. I think that if they socialized kids to be tolerant human beings in the classes that they are already in, in the schools that are already there, there would be no need to centre them out in another school.

Any sort of segregation in my eyes is harmful, if gays and lesbians want to be seen as equals and as no different than everyone else, then I think that being in schools that accept everyone and have a mash up of all different kinds of people is the way to go. I have many tolerant friends and we all went to the same high schools, where everyone was regarded as equal no matter your status. We turned out to be just fine and accepting. It may have taken me a little longer to come out to my friends but when I did, it was no big deal to them; they acted no different than before and I got no special treatment. I think that if they take the resources that they already have and implement them into the curriculum then they will do just fine and dandy.

I went to a catholic high school and I remember learning about tolerance in grade 10 religion, and that was 7 years ago, so I can just imagine the progress that the schools have taken in the mean time. As new blood enters the work force and time and issues move forward I think that it will be less of a ‘thing’ that “ouu you’re gay”, and become more of an everyday normality. We just have to let time take its place and just teach our kids to become open-minded.



What Is This World Coming To?

The latest and more disturbing thing in the news right now is the case about Magnotta. He killed a man, a gay man, and he cut up his body parts and sent them to different parts of the country, from Montreal. On Tuesday two different schools in British Colombia opened packages that had the body remains of this Chinese student studying in Montreal. The only body part that is yet to be found is his head.

Thinking about this makes me sick, just thinking about if it were one of my family members, friends, co-workers, people that I see on a daily basis anyone for that matter, it is sick. A lot of things come to mind when I think about this case. One I think that Canada should have the death penalty for special cases like this. It is not worth our tax dollars to let him live out his life in prison. He wants attention and that is what we are giving him.

I think that TV shows like Criminal Minds, CSI, Law and Order and any other TV show like that should not be on the air. Don’t get me wrong Criminal minds is one of my all time favourite shows but it gives people ideas that they would not normally think of, for example   in the 60’s when Twilight Zone was on TV, there was an episode about high jackers on a plane. This episode was only aired once and then quickly taken down and never to be aired again because within days of it being shown, major airlines all over the world were being high jacked. Where as before this was shown nothing of the sort was ever thought of. Now I am not saying it would never have happened, but it would have taken longer.

It scares me that his victim was gay. How are you supposed to be who you are when clearly you are a target for anyone out of their mind. This could also be a random killing and it might be coincidental that his victim was gay, that I do not know.

The fact that he had video taped himself torturing this guy for the world to see and that he had followers on Twitter or Facebook, or whatever he was using, that really disturbs me. He might have accomplices out there.

There is too much about this case that is unsettling. But there needs to be a change, in the news all you hear about now is people eating each others faces off, body parts in the mail, shootings, stabbings, suicides, hate crimes, and it is all at once. What is this world coming to? I would love to wake up the news one morning and not hear about those things, but to hear about the good people are doing the world. The world should not be a scary place to live, it should be one full of life and fun, and not one where I have to look over my shoulder to make sure no one is following me home at night.

(News Clipping)


Oh Politics

In 2005 Canada became the 3rd country to legalize same-sex marriage, behind the Netherlands and Belgium. The Prime Minister at the time, Paul Martin, thought that it was a necessary step for human rights. Despite what any religious organization said, Martin stuck to his guns and said that because we are a nation of minorities we cannot cherry pick rights and freedoms.

I was talking to a guy at work the other day about how in Canada we are a socialist country, meaning we look out for the good of the common person. We may be behind the U.S. in years on other things like; illegal downloading or getting the latest technology but the well-being of our people comes first. I am happy to say that the United States is on their way to recognizing the rights of gay people.

I am so happy that Obama ‘came out’ and said he is in support of same-sex marriage. I think it is a giant step forward. We need people in power to say that it is okay to be gay, and that they support gay marriage. I can only think it is inspirational for young people to see icons saying that they support the rights of all people.

I do not know very much about American politics but what I have seen from Obama, I like. He is a people person; he wants to do good for the people. I think that Mitt Romney is a joke and I think that if he gets put into power that the States will be a very different place, for the worst. I know that a lot of people are worried that by Obama saying that he supports gay marriage before the election in November might hurt his campaign, but in my opinion I think it was a very bold move, and why should he wait to say something that can change the lives of so many people? Why should it be that “ohh you better keep your mouth shut for another 6 months or else your running might be in danger”, I think that is quite backwards. People see that he is who he is, and you will know exactly what you are voting for. On the other side of that fence I think he very much knows what he is doing. Of course you want a President who is charismatic and someone who will stand for what is right. He will win over all the votes of people who are in the LGBTQ community as well as all those who voted for him the last time. I do not think that it was a publicity stunt, because him saying what he said could have really hurt him, but also could really help him. I think that it was a genuine thought and speech that he said, and I think that he just changed history being the first President to ever say that he was in support of same-sex marriage. Now if only the rest of the country could hop on board.