When Will the Skies Turn Blue?

I have been down on myself recently and I do not know whether it is because I cannot seem to find my self-worth or if it is the gray weather that we continue to have. I have been looking for a job for just about a year now, maybe not looking as hard as I should have, only due to a place in Guelph telling me in October that they want to meet with me in the spring, and the wait is killing me. I have not really been looking too hard at other places because this is the town that I would like to move to and live. There is a university there so I can take my dietician course there if I should feel so ambitious to go through another 4 years of school.

Since I have not heard back from them since October I feel as though they have forgotten me and I need to email them back, but I do not want to sound pushy as it is not even technically spring yet. So I will wait.  But in the mean time I am still working at the hard ware store where I am training all the new recruits and am answering questions that my managers don’t even know, feeling like a big fish in a small pond, maybe I have been there too long. You would think it would be fulfilling to know all or just about all and know everyone. But retail just is not it for me, nor is my condescending boss.

The other night I was sweeping the floor when my boss came up to me and we had a conversation that went like this:

Boss man: So you never told me what your plans are with this place, do you plan on working your way up?

Naive me: Well, I graduated last June and have been looking for jobs related in my field, but am having no such luck as of yet.

Boss man: Since June!!

Naive me (trying to make myself look less pathetic): Well there is a place in Guelph that contacted me in October, but they are not opening until May. So I am waiting for them, and have been applying in the mean time.

Customer comes to end this awful dug myself into a grave of never getting a raise or promotion hole.

Later that week I told Justin about this conversation and he had told me that my boss man has been wanting to give me a part-time position for a little while now. That would include a raise, benefits and constant hours. Dammit, I should have just said that the future was unclear or something. Something that would have assured me wanting to stay at this job. But oh well had he even talked to my previous boss who left on mat leave just last week, he would have known all that about me, because blabber mouth me told her all about it.

But it made me feel a little down on myself when his expression was so shocked that I have been looking for work elsewhere for almost a year. Am I that unemployable? Or are there just no jobs? Maybe I am just looking in the wrong places.

Paper, paper, paper, paper, pa…

It’s funny, I can sit here and write a blog in 20 minutes, depending on how long it is but struggle to write 4 pages of a paper for school. I am writing my last university paper ever (yay), and I really only have to do the introduction, conclusion and one part in the paper, because Fred has already done the rest. But I cannot bring myself to do it. I really hate writing papers, I don’t know if it is because I have to research and back up everything that I say, or the fact that I know someone is going to be marking my paper and that stresses me out to no end. I cannot be creative; just show the facts. That is boring to me, I have no idea how I survived university at all, writing papers that were so constraining on personality and creativity, it’s suffocating. Right here I have already written more than I have in my paper. I think I’m lacking inspiration, and it is the long week end after all, but still, that should motivate me to get it done faster, so I can enjoy the rest of the weekend.

So wish me luck in finishing this paper, so I can finally say that I am done school, and will hopefully never have to write another boring paper again. That is wishful thinking, as I do think I have to go to college for some medical terminology diploma. Ugh.

Anyhoo, have a good long weekend everyone!